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Sitara's pov

"I was resting when Mrs--" i don't even know her name and i am going with her am i doing right ?

"Tara, i have talk with the doctor and we are ready to go see beta it will be hard i know to trust on a women you didn't even know 24 hours back . but trust me , ok ? "she asked its the vibe she gives she give which is convincing me that i can trust her .

I nodded.

"By the way aunty what is your name?" i asked its kind a embarrassingย  to ask her name after agreeing to go with her

"Mrs kavya kunal Agnihotri" she said while a chukle escaped from her mouth did i said something wrong i dont think so .

"Wait a minute I am coming" she said while leaving .she came back in a minute or two with some things .

look what i got she said while taking out some clothes.

I was stund i never have got so much love from any one before ,now i think maybe my decision was right maybe-

"Can you walk ?" she asked while helping me to stand by holding my hands .

Yes i think so i said while a chukle escaped my mouth is this the life i once dream of .


I was in car going with miss kavya-- auntyย  she has strictly constructedย  me to call her aunty


"We are here tara its your home from now on don't be scared ok ?" she said while holding my hands .

I nodded with a smile .

"lets go then. "

"Sure. I really want to do this right then why i am so scared ? What if they don't like me ? What will they think about me if they found out who am i several thoughts are invading in my mind But , when I step in the house it was all blank i fell blank .

"Guys , We are here "Aunty said with a big and bright smile on her face

I was scared to my core and didn't knew what to do so the best thing i felled was looking downwards so I did it. I was scared that i can knee over the ground at anytime...

As time was passing i started regretting my dicision then only i started hearing some footsteps rushing towards our direction ,I looked up to see who was it and before i can react the person hugged me and I feel on the ground with her .

"Ouchhh "Was the first thing that came out of my mouth but soon i heard a sweet voice !

"oh! I am so sorry actually i was too excited that I just forgotten about your health condition " said while offering her hand to help me.

"Nahi-nahi its totally fine "-I said while a chukle left from my mouth.


I was sitting on the couch after Arohi helped me to stand up yes I came to know about her name now only now when I look around I am geting the intuition that coming here wasn't a bad decision as mr agnihotri was very polite and was giving me a positive energy and how can I forget about arohi she is looking so much excited probably to find a girl ? A friend ? Well its a long journey from girl to friend--

"Tara, chalo i will show you the house and rooms " she said while dragging me with her indeed she is to excited .

Its not that I am not excited it is that only that i am more scared .

"Yeh room mumma papa ka hae-" Arohi said while pointing on a luxurious room white painted with gold detailing with a big photo on middle of 5 persons the photo wasn't clear as sunlight was not reaching there properly before I could see it properly she dragged me to other corner of the hall and exclaimed .

"Its my room and you are always well come" she said while dragging me inside her room it was off white with pink detailing and had decent amount of showpiece which made it more attractive it was like a princess room

"My entire life I grown with really less people interaction as my big hulk like brothers always hide me in a shade I know they were protecting me but-- It was definitely not what I wanted i wanted to make friends go around live my life lively but now as you are here i am very happy ."- she said while walking to the window and leaning on it .

Life is so unfair sometimes even a girl born with a golden spoon can't have what she want indeed money is not everything .

"Now we are going to do a lot of thingsโ€” "she said while jumping ...

I nodded with a smile.

Okey lets start with knowing each other she said while siting on the room .

"My name is Arohi- Arohi Agnihotri but you can call me Aru"

"What's your name ?

Sitara I said with a straight face I can't tell them my real identity

"Whats your age "Another Question arrived .

I am currently 18 but I will turn 19 next month I said truly .

"Tara, you are just few months bigger so , can I call you tara plsss she said with a puppy face ."

I will love it I said happily .

"Wait so what about your education how will you continue itโ€” "

I interfered her saying

"No, actually I have completed upto class 12 but I haven't join any college yet "I said a little embarrassingly

"ohhh! Thats even great I am joining a college next month we can be on the same it will be "fun you know I will talk with dad

"No its okey" I said they have already helped me a lot

"what do you mean by its okey its totally not okey i will talk about it I don't know "she said with a good dominance .

I nodded not knowing what to say.

"ohh! I forget to saw you the house" she said while slapping her forehead

"See thats armaan bhai's room " she pointed towards a white coded with blue and grey detailing it screams class no one was in the room .

"And it was 2nd floor "she said while signing due to tiredness

" The 3rd floor is only has One room and guest room thats it cause bade bhaiya don't like people "

Yeh kaisa admi hae ajeeb.

"And the swimming pole is in the terese "

"Tara Aru ajou beta the food is ready-"We heard aunty house from the downstairs.

"Chalo barna mummy marr dalengi โ€“" she said dragging me with her .

I think she loves dragging people.

Heyloo ! Pookies ๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’‹ how was the chapter hope so you like it .

Follow me on instagram for cute reels and spoilers !!@yokshok_

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