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Sitara 's pov

when the cold breeze hit my skin it make me realise that now i am free , free from the cage full of predators where even breathing from your choice is a sin.

Bang! The last thing i saw was a person coming from the car which hit me .

When i open my eyes i was in a room full of equipments it was a hospital cabinate .

"Are you alright , Beta "- said by a lady siting in front of me most probably the owner of that car .

"Yes! Pls can I go"- I said begging in front of her .

"Yes! Definately you can but after you recover fully " she said while caressing my hair softly with her hands.

She give postive vibes it feels okey around her.

"Now, tell me what are you doing there all alone at mid night its not safe for you"

I feeled more safe there than my entire 18 th years of life but what can i say . I didn't said anything and was looking down only .

It's okey if you don't want to say i am not going to force you " she said

"Dear , what is your name ?"

What name should i tell them the name given by those animals in face of people.

"I dont know"- i said blankly i dont care what she thinks of me but i am never going to bring my past to my present .

"Where do you live ?"- she asked unaffected by my answer .

"I dont have anyone in this world I am a orphan "- I lied its true i don't have anyone in this world but i am a orphan but i grow up between some-

"Okey. Then from today you are going to be my daughter and live with me and my family in our mansion , Don't worry tara" she said with the brightest smile i have ever seen in my life it wasnt a smirk but a genuine smile a smile on the face of this lady , a lady who is giving me postive vibe which is totally opposite from the environment and vibe I have been grown .

I want to trust her . with that thought on my mind tears started flowing from my eyes the tears that rarely came out but today it decide to break the cage and flow all my emotions with it a chukle escaped my mouth that chukle can't be told in words it is the feeling that i have been holding from past 18 years, regret , sadness , angier , hate and what not it was all out that minute .

"Tara ?" I questioned wiping my tears .

"Your name sitara cause in the road filled with crowds you shine like a star" she said cupping my face in her thumb .

"Tara , I dont know anything about your past and no need of telling if you are uncomfortable but promise me that from today you share everything with me and will never sufer alone" she said wiping my tears .

Someone said true the longest you suffer the better you get. I don't know her we meet by a coincidence thats it but i dont know why my heart wants to trust her it feels safe around her .

"what is your age tara "she asked

"18" i said yes I am 18 and going to turn 19 the next month i dont know what is my real age but it is what said by them .

She nodded and leaved leave to discuss something with the doctor probably it was about my health .

I was looking at the surrounding when she came back smiling.

Tara, you are good to go we will leave for home tomorrow I will be leaving now but if you need anything call the nurse or doctor okey and i am leaving Guards outside for your protection she said while caressing my hair .


Author's pov

*On the dinner table *

"Guys ! Today I accidentally clash my car into a poor girl but fortunately she hadnot harm that much and she is a orphan so i am going to adopt her . You guys will love her she is adorable !"said Mrs kavya kunal agnihotri.

"Kunal belive me you will love her she is adorable "she added.

" Yes I know my wife never takes wrong decision she is coming tomorrow right ? "asked mr agnihotri

Mrs agnihotri nodded .

"Are you guys okey with it?" I asked to my daughter and son standing in front of me.

" yes! We will love to now i will have a company" Said by Arohi

Armaan what do you think about it I asked i know my son is a moddy.

He said nothing but just nodded with a blank face.

After the Dinner I was doing my night skincare rountine and applying lotion on my hand .

"Aren't you going to tell him about it" Kunal asked with a confuse on face.

"Not yet he will came in 1 week then let it be a suprise for him i know my son he will not have a problem with it" i said with confidence ofcourse a mother always knows her sons attitude he is scary even some times i am scared to talk with my own son but he is not bad and a spoiled kid at a very young age of 18 he started to look after the business and company but after 21 he took full control in it and take it other levels now Agnihotri corporation have branches all over the world he even has hes out company SA. CO but that thing that scare me is that he even has some link with mafia .


Sitara's pov

How i am going to adjust there?, will they like me ? What will they say if they came to know about my past ? Is it good what i am doing - Thousands of questions but zero answer i have leave it on my heart . Lets just listen to it harrassment is nothing new to me so it will be fine i consoled my self


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